[Keywords / #法式甜點關鍵詞] 「我的甜點是 chef 做的嗎?」 - #廚房裡的階級與分工 / "Is this pastry made by the chef?" - the kitchen brigade and hierarchy (for English, please click "see more")
「我的甜點是 chef 做的嗎?」似乎是許多人的疑問,然而...
📌 「一個店家(或是餐廳、旅館)每天要生產數十、數百個作品,法式甜點又如此精細複雜,大部分甜點需要不只一天才能製作組裝完成。即使是最前線的甜點師,都不見得能夠從頭到尾參與到所有元素的製作;#身處的階層越高、#真正參與到實際操作的部分就更少了。」
那麼甜點廚房裡到底是怎麼分工的呢?每個人又負責什麼樣的職責?點開連結,我們 #從廚房編制的起源說起,#揭密現代甜點廚房內部運作的模樣!
📌 「甜點廚房的編制和料理廚房非常類似,階級由上到下包括 chef pâtissier、sous-chef pâtissier、chef de partie、commis、apprenti(e)、stagiaire。...階級嚴明,#由上層長官掌管下級團隊成員的廚房編制,#不禁讓人想起軍隊。」
🔖 延伸閱讀:
"Is my pastry made by the chef?" seems to be a popular question, however...
📌 "A patry shop, restaurant, or a hotel would produce tens or hundreds of pastries each day. The composition of French pastries is notoriously complicated and it takes more than one day to make most of the pastries. Even a frontline pâtissier probably wouldn't participate in every single process, so pastry chefs at a higher rank would do less operational work."
So how exactly jobs in the kitchen are done? How do we define everyone's duty? Click on the link below, we'll talk about the origin of the kitchen brigade and show you how a modern pastry kitchen works!
📌 "Pastry kitchens works pretty similarly to cuisine kitchens. It's built on a hierarchy where the chef pâtissier is situating on the top, followed by the sous-chef pâtissier, chef de partie, commis, apprenti(e), and stagiaire. This strict hierarchy is in fact reminiscent of the military organisation."
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「pastry commis」的推薦目錄:
pastry commis 在 TIFF 陳蔚琦 Facebook 的精選貼文
🥂無言感激🍵 T LAB 首次 Pop-up 圓滿落幕!⚡ 有笑有淚,話咁快這十多天就過去了, 三年前滿腔熱血想喺音樂上發展嘅我應該冇諗過呢份對創作嘅熱誠今日會喺食物上發亮。
上年得到大家支持完成自己音樂夢想嘅小心願,雖很感激,但亦為自己帶來心理上無限嘅負擔同抑壓,並意識到那行業實在不屬於我。 所以今年,我把心一橫決定把未來全身投放於 食物及Chef Tiff's Kitchen上。
這次 #TLabByCTK ,除了是回饋大家外,亦是一個對自己的考驗。在貼近現實充滿挑戰嘅廚房上試驗一下自己係咪真係適合,冇諗過呢十幾日雖然係好辛苦好辛苦, 途中少不免會有啲阻滯,但最後同團隊一齊跨過每一個難關又見到你哋食得咁開心,我此刻真心覺得好快樂!
在此亦為大家介紹這個加埋都只係100歲到的團隊⚡由零學起,只短短一個月時間,但他們都做到了! so proud of you guys!😎
Executive Chef - TIFF CHAN
Pastry Chef - CANDY LEUNG
Station Chef - FAN SO (Savoury), ANNIE CHUI (Pastry)
Commis Chef - JASMINE MA
最後,好想多謝每一位你,無論你係依加先認識我哋、定係三年前喺地鐵站交收🙇 今日我得到嘅所有都係你啲建築畀我, 如果冇咗你哋我今日應該仲喺壓力同唔開心之中,唔知自己嘅未來係點。雖然講到好誇張但係係真嘅😊
今次 T LAB by Chef Tiff's Kitchen 終於成功把心目自家嘅「創意茶係融合料理」帶到畀大家, 呢個亦先係我一路想做同100%嘅〔電音實驗廚房〕,not only dessert but also a kind of cuisine, a truly fusion te'Xperimental dining experience.
This is only the beginning,希望將來再有機會以T Lab嘅名義做pop up!我會繼續努力!先差幾日電就要開始做月餅啦🙈 再見面要等11月 - 因為我哋回歸糖廠街市集啦!😎😎😎
See you all soon!
pastry commis 在 甜點架式 Jas My Diary. Facebook 的精選貼文
餐廳名:WA Cafe London
Post Code:W5 2NX
Website :http://www.wacafe.co.uk
Job Vacancy : 甜點助廚 Commis Pastry Chef
時薪:£7.5 / hr ,一天工時約9小時,排班制,週休二日,
pastry commis 在 Pastry Commis Chef - Jobs - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
Pastry Commis Chef: Responsible for the daily food preparation and duties assigned to meet the set standard What you will be doing: 1, Responsible for... ... <看更多>
pastry commis 在 What is a Pastry Commis Chef In A Professional Kitchen Brigade 的美食出口停車場
What Is A Pastry Commis Chef In A Professional Kitchen BrigadeVisit: https://becomingachef.co.ukContent You May Find Helpful! ... <看更多>